Breast Yeast Infection
Breastfeeding mothers are at a higher risk of developing breast yeast infection than others. Understanding the causes, symptoms and preventive measures of breast yeast infection will help in addressing the problem effectively.
Yeast is a group of fungus, capable of infecting several parts of the body, including the mouth, tongue, skin (particularly in folded skin areas), nails, breast and vagina. Also referred to as candidiasis, yeast infection may occur in all individuals, irrespective of the age and gender. Among the various species of yeast that infects humans, Candida albicans is found to be the most prevalent strain.
In general, yeast thrives in the body surfaces without causing medical symptoms. However, when there is abrupt changes in the body system and prevailing environment, it infects certain bodily areas, resulting in various symptoms. For example, breast yeast infection is most commonly manifested among lactating mothers. The reason behind this is frequent wetting of the nipples, thus creating a favorable condition for multiplication of the yeast. Read more on what is yeast infection and types of yeast infection.
Breast Yeast Infection SymptomsThe symptoms of breast yeast infection start with unusual tenderness and soreness of the nipples. The affected nipples may become dry and itchy, due to infection by the yeast. At times, yeast infection may be present on the underside of the breast where the skin folds. Other notable symptoms of yeast infection in the breast include itching, redness, swelling and burning sensation. In severe infection cases, there will be pain in one or both the breasts.
In some cases, yeast infection in the breast or precisely, the nipples is caused due to lactating a baby, infected with oral thrush (yeast infection of the mouth). The tongue and mouth areas of the yeast infected baby may appear white along with small lesions. In any case, yeast infection in the breast may lead to complications for both the baby and the mother. So, make sure the symptoms are addressed correctly by a qualified physician.
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The best alternatives or natural remedies available in the market are
Protecur100 and
Neibac5 - Candida/Yeast Killer
Dental spray - spray 2 - 3 times of Neibac5 into your mouth. Repeat twice a day.
Mouth ulcers - Spray your mouth 3 or 4 times a day with Neibac5 and add 4 drops of Protecur100 in a glass of water/juice. You can also dab the mouth ulcer with 2 times spray of Neibac5 on a cotton swab(good for baby that have oral thrush from breast yeast infection).
Internal uses(Protecur100) - Tummy Upsets, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Diarrhea and Food Poisoning. Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida Yeast Infections, Thrush and Chronic Fatigue. Infections of the mouth, Colds and Flu, Sore Throats, Strep Throat, Sinus problems and more. Add a few drops into a glass of water or juice, drink 4 to 5 times a day for serious condition.
Chronic Candidiasis - Mix up 3 - 4 drops Protecur100 into a glass of water or orange juice(any juice). Take 3 times day. For resistant cases, take up to 7 drops + a glass of water/juice or any liquid drink. If the candidiasis does not improve, please see your doctor.
Eczema - 5-10 drops of Protecur100 in a glass of juice 3 x daily
Yeast Infections - Douche by spray 2 or 3 times Neibac5 on your finger or direct to the that area. Hold it in as long as you can. This usually works with just one dose. If symptoms persist, repeat once a day till successful. It is recommended by some health practitioners that you also take supplementary acidophilus and with your diet. You need to take Protecur100 as well.
General Antiviral application - If one keeps surfaces clean that sick people are touching, and by drinking a few drops of Protecur100 daily (1 - 2 drops in a glass of water/juice twice a day), the chances of contracting H1N1, Influenza A, measles, viruses, Herpes Simplex 1, and nasties like salmonella, e-coli, as well as things like colds, fever etc will be greatly reduced. It's always a good idea to contact your doctor as well if you feel you have any of these conditions.
And many more diseases can be treated by these stuff...Protecur100 and Neibac5 are great friends to you and your family.
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kenalan anda.Terima kasih diatas kerjasama anda!
Ross Safina